Friday, March 29, 2013

MyFitnessPal App

MyFitnessPal iPad App


At the beginning of this semester, Dr. Bell had all of the physical education majors download the MyFitnessPal app which counts your daily calories and it also will assist you is setting an appropriate daily calorie intake depending on whether or not you want to lose or gain weight. She wanted us to keep up with our daily diet for the whole semester to see how and what we ate throughout the semester and if it helped reach our individual weight levels.


Throughout the day, you can easily and quickly add food by the brand that you have eaten and it will go directly in to your daily calorie intake amount and will tell you how many calories still need to eat by the end of the day.  
As you enter in each food item, it also calculates certain types of nutrients such as calcium, fats, and iron and gives you a percentage of how much you have taken in and how much you have left to get throughout the day. If you exercise during the day, you can also enter that information in such as what type of exercise and the length of time that you did it. This will affect your calorie intake and most likely increase your daily amount needed because when you exercise you burn calories so you need to make up for the calories you burned.


Friends can also hold you accountable for your diet if they have the app as well. You can add contacts from your phone, facebook, or email so that they can help you stay motivated and on the right track to maintain and achieve your health and weight goals. As you weigh yourself periodically, you can also input that information and monitor your progress to your weight goal.


This app is very useful for health teachers. If you want students to keep a journal of everything that they ate for a week and also how much they exercised, this would be an easy way to do it. Also, if they went out to eat, instead of guessing the calories in the food they can just look it up through this app and it can help the overall diet and assessment be more accurate. I have used this app throughout the semester and I would highly recommend it.